3 Tips On What To Do When You Are Feeling Bored In Your Relationship


I want to ask you a question and I’d like for you to be honest with yourself…

Are you bored of your relationship?

Do you feel like the conversations you have with your partner are dull and stagnant—and that’s why you prefer to scroll on Instagram, put on a Netflix show, or watch your favorite Youtube Channel?

If you’re bored of your partner or your relationship, you are not alone.

This is normal and this doesn’t mean that there’s something wrong with you or your partner. This is just a sign that is time to shake things up a bit! And, the great news is that you are in total control of this!

I want to empower you to make things exciting again and even if things don’t go back to how they once were, you can create something new and better.

Are you ready for this?

Here are my “3 Tips Of What To Do When You Are Feeling Bored In Your Relationship”:

  1. Have a common goal

Every 90 days get together with your partner and ask each other: What will be our priority for the next 90 days?

This is such a powerful question that will create shared meaning in your relationship and give you something to work towards as a team.

It’s so easy for you and your partner to get busy building your careers, taking care of the household, and raising babies. And while this is reality, this can leave you feeling lonely if you’re each individually doing your own thing.

If you’re married or in a committed relationship, you can’t approach your lives together as a single person and then wish for unity. Start by deciding TOGETHER what your common goal will be during this season and then determine what role you’ll each play to achieve this common goal.

Here are some ideas of common goals to get your own ideas flowing:

  • Reduce our debt by 50%

  • Grow a more abundant mindset

  • Create healthier habits

You see, your common goal can be anything as long as it aligns with the season of life you’re in.

Nowadays, there are many forces pulling us away from our loved ones and by always having a common goal, you’re creating an anchor that will always pull you back together. Even when you and your partner are doing different things, your common goal will give you something to work towards as one team.

I recently visited a very cute shop in Mizner Park where they had this quote printed on a canvas:

“When The Roots Are Deep There Is No Reason To Fear The Wind”

It really resonated with me and reminded me of the power of having a common goal with your partner. When you have a common goal, you’re deepening the roots, strengthening your foundation, and solidifying your bond. No matter how strong are the forces pulling you away from each other, you’ll have something to keep you together.

2. Do exciting things together

Isn’t it true that we end up doing the most fun part of our lives with other people and when it comes to our partner, we have little to do?

If you’re doing boring things with your partner, you will feel bored in your relationship. But the same is also true. If you do fun things with your partner, you will re-energize your relationship and feel alive and excited in your time together.

So simply ask yourself, what are some fun things you enjoy?

How can you get your partner involved in those activities?

Create a game plan so you can do fun things together on a regular basis to prevent boredom.

Quick story: My husband LOVES Batman and just this weekend, we went out to watch the latest movie. Yes, sure, he could have gone with his friends who are also big Batman fans but since we’re no longer working the business together and he’s now out of the house most of the week, we have to protect our time together and still find little ways to connect. And I have to say, going to the movies wasn’t just fun for him, I genuinely enjoyed it and my favorite part was knowing that he was doing one of his favorite things with me.

So I hope this encourages you to do more fun things together starting this weekend!

3. Create an inviting space for just you two

Recently, I just started decorating our porch.

I wanted my husband and me to have a designated space in our home that made it effortless for us to come together after the long workday and catch up.

I purchased a table with chairs, ordered some artificial grass mats, and went to Home Depot and picked some fresh flowers.

Having this inviting space just for us has made it so much easier for us to spend time together.

So if you’ve been feeling bored in your relationship, think of how you can create a space that would make it exciting for you to be together again.

Set up an environment that you'd want to be in. Simple things like having two rocking chairs on your porch are tokens that will remind you of your intention and help you keep on top of mind.

Most of us are blessed to live in beautiful homes but we don’t really get to experience life in it.

We’re flashing from one task to the next, thinking of the running list of things to do, and barely getting to look each other in the eye and sit in each other's presence.

{{ subscriber.first_name }}, if you wait for your calendar to have some breathing room for you to be together, think of how much precious time you would have missed along the way? This time may never come and you may not realize it until it's too late and I don't want this for you.

So take this little challenge:

  • Pick a space in your home that will be your “you and me time.”

  • Brainstorm some props that would make the space more inviting to both of you.

  • Evaluate what days and times would be more feasible for you to meet. Did you know that when you have a time and place of when you'll meet, you're increasing the chances of it actually happening?

You’ll see how the moment you create your space, you’ll find yourself spending more time together and actually enjoying the time you have.

I’m so excited to hear how you end up transforming your space. I’d love it if you post a photo on your Instagram stories and tag me @youandmetime so I can see it and repost it!

I hope these 3 tips help you to see how much control you have to shift things around in your relationship and make things fun again.

Try them and let me know how it went! I’ll read (and probably) talk about it the next time we meet here, sounds good?

Looking forward to seeing your reply.

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